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What is ‘Screw it Syndrome’ and how can can I avoid it?

What is ‘Screw it Syndrome’ and how can can I avoid it?

Alison Hargreaves Updated:
8th of March 2023

Screw it syndrome (SIS) is an actual thing and this is the time of year we are most at risk. We have teamed up with Happy Brides Nutrition in order to help you understand what it is and how you can avoid it.

What is ‘Screw it Syndrome’ and how can can I avoid it?

SIS is also known as the ‘what the hell effect’ - sound familiar?

If you are wanting to be healthy or are on a wedding weight loss regime ready for the big day but struggling to see results, these might sound familiar…

“Screw it, I ate really well all week I’m going to treat myself”

“Screw it, it’s the weekend, I will start on Monday”

“Screw it, I went to the gym this morning so I can have a glass of wine”

“Screw it, I’ve eaten four biscuits today so I may as well have a Chinese as well”

5 Top Tips to avoid SIS

1. Treat Yo’Self - plan a treat into your week and enjoy it, but make sure you don’t overindulge. On average we underestimate our calorie intake by around 50% and overestimate how many calories we are burning through exercise by 50%.

What is ‘Screw it Syndrome’ and how can can I avoid it?

2. Take action - don’t put off what you can do today until tomorrow. Prepare in advance, sign up to a scheduled exercise class or put your gym kit in your car before work.

What is ‘Screw it Syndrome’ and how can can I avoid it?

3. Plan ahead - put a picture of your dream wedding dress on the crisp cupboard to help you resist reaching for another packet. Put unhealthy foods up high and out of sight to avoid temptation. Encountering easy alternatives first can dissuade you from your quest for chocolate!

What is ‘Screw it Syndrome’ and how can can I avoid it?

4. Get support - don’t let your bridal party sway you into another glass of pinot and a takeaway, remember you must look better than them (#jokingnotjoking). Surround yourself with positive influences and go to healthy events together!

What is ‘Screw it Syndrome’ and how can can I avoid it?

5. Cut yourself some slack - you are only human! When you slip up, accept it, give yourself a break and start again. This is an experiment and predicting where you might slip up is difficult, identify your weaknesses and change your planning.

Sometimes people think Screw it Syndrome is a momentary lapse or lack of self-control but actually, it’s a reaction to not achieving your goal. Planning effectively and putting healthier choices in your way is the key to making changes become habits. Just remember to be patient!

Alison Hargreaves Guides for Brides Bio

About the author

Alison Hargreaves

Alison has been advising brides, grooms and bridesmaids for more than 25 years. She has an unrivalled knowledge of the British wedding industry and frequently appears on podcasts and expert panels. She regularly attends international wedding conferences to keep the UK at the forefront of wedding planning trends.

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