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Wedding Fitness...Keeping Motivated!

Wedding Fitness...Keeping Motivated!

Izzy Turner-Hicks Updated:
8th of March 2023

Keeping fitness motivated in January can be tough - alongside sticking to a wedding diet, going for a run at 6am, braving the torrential English rain definitely isn't our idea of fun. If you’re struggling with a serious lack of motivation for getting fit for your wedding then we’re here to help! Whether you’re looking to drop a dress size before your big day or just tone up a little, here are some tips to keep you feeling motivated. 

Wedding Fitness | Guides for Brides | Main

Set a Goal.

Setting a realistic target for your bridal fitness plan is important so that you know exactly what you’re aiming towards. If you’ve given yourself two weeks to get a body like Kate Moss, your goal probably isn’t as realistic as it could be. Try to allow yourself the time you need to get fit bearing in mind your busy schedule. A realistic goal is way more likely to keep you motivated until your wedding.

Wedding Fitness | Guides for Brides | Goals

Plan Ahead.

Take the time at the start of your day to plan out exactly when you’re going to exercise. If you have a clear plan of what time and what kind of workout you’re doing that day you’ll be more likely to stay motivated.

Wedding Fitness | Guides for Brides | Plan Ahead

Good Tunes.

Let’s face it, nothing is more boring that running silently on a treadmill for 30 minutes. Why not keep yourself entertained by listening to your favourite songs to keep your motivation up? Create yourself some high-energy playlists to get you pumped for your workouts. Try adding songs with inspirational lyrics to keep you going just that little bit further. You can also use this as an opportunity to choose some tunes for your wedding disco playlist.

Wedding fitness | Guides for Brides | Music

Exercise in the Morning.

Get your daily workout done first thing in the morning so that you can spend the rest of your day planning, Pinteresting and getting organised for your wedding! Try getting out of bed just half an hour earlier to go for a run and see the difference this small change makes to your fitness levels. Studies show that you’re more likely to have a successful workout session in the morning. So, why wait? Get yourself to wedding bootcamp and get moving.

Wedding Fitness | Guides for Brides | Morning

Sign Up to Classes.

If you don’t fancy treadmills or cross-trainers then why not try going to a fun gym class. There are loads of options for you to consider. Get yourself moving with Zumba, Spin, Yoga, Pilates or even Kickboxing. If you sign up to these classes in advance you’ll be more likely to actually follow through with your plans. If you know that you struggle with finding that Monday motivation then try signing up for a class or two the week before.

Wedding Fitness | Guides for Brides | Classes

Gym Gear.

You’ll feel so much more motivated to go to the gym if you feel amazing in your workout clothes. Invest in some cute gym leggings and some comfortable trainers and you can show them off whilst exercising. Feeling good in your gym gear is a great way to make yourself want to get outside and start exercising.

Wedding fitness | Guides for Brides | Trainers

Buddy Up.

Working out with a friend with instantly boost your motivation levels. If you feel tempted to “give it a miss” or “sit this one out” you’ll have somebody to remind you of what you’re working towards and encourage you to keep on going. You might also feel pushed to work even harder as you develop a bit of secret competition between their cross-trainer calorie count and your own. You can also chat wedding plans with them whilst you cool down together.

Wedding fitness | Guides for Brides

For more information and help check out some of the best companies we have listed on our site.

Let's get to the gym...
Izzy Turner-Hicks

About the author

Izzy Turner-Hicks

Izzy has been writing about weddings for nearly 10 years, she is an expert in all things bridal. She is an expert when it comes to preparing for your wedding health and fitness regime.

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